Calendar of Events

Event Title: Launch of 'Ministers Appreciation Month' - October
22-Sep-2005 to 22-Sep-2005 Past Event
Venue: Sun Lee How Fook Restaurant
96, Jalan Kampar,
30250 Ipoh.
(Opposite The Store Supermarket)
Organizer: NECF Malaysia
Theme: Bless and honor elders/pastors/full-time workers and missionaries.

Bless and honor elders, pastors, full-time workers, missionaries

Let us bless and honor our pastors, full-time workers and their family - acknowledge them for their labor of love, find ways to appreciate & affirm them . . .

LAUNCH on 22nd September in IPOH
Thursday 22-Sept, 7:30pm SHARP,
Sun Lee How Fook Restaurant IPOH

» Book seats and tables for your ministers now! RM 300 per table

Francis Wong    012-5221525
William Chang   012-5188361
NECF Office      03-77278227

"The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching." -- 1 Timothy 5:17 NIV

Love: When you pray for your pastors, you are helping them bear the burden of the ministry (Galatians 6:2).
Humility: Intercessory prayer will break the chains of pride that keep so many pastors from becoming who they could be in God.

Unity: Praying for your pastors-personal and ministerial needs-will bind your hearts with theirs. As you promote the work of the kingdom and unite with your pastors in the vision for your church and city, you will become a vessel for the Spirit to move through.
Personal Prayer Needs
Humility: Pray that your pastors will walk humbly with God, seeking His will and direction in all things (Micah 6:8). Pray that their hearts will be strong in the midst of trials and afflictions. Pray that they will learn and grow through every circumstance and that they will give God glory for every victory.
Relationships: Pray that your pastors will not be corrupted by the necessary contact with a sinful world. More importantly, pray that they will influence every person they meet for good and that they will be shining in their personal lives for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Balance: Pray that your pastors will maintain a steady, consistent walk, and that they will not be swayed by unscriptural teachings. Pray that their characters will combine the strength and gentleness of the Lord.
Family Prayer Needs
Relationships: Pray for the peace of God to cover and protect the fabric of your pastors' family. Pray that God's anointing would ease the friction and produce a loving atmosphere. Pray that your pastors will be godly leaders of their homes, giving their families the love and attention they need to grow. Pray that your pastors' income will meet the needs and realistic desires of their families.
Protection: Pray a covering of God's protection over your pastors' families. Pray against negative pressures and distractions. Pray that as your pastors abide in the presence of God, no destructive force will keep their families (Psalm 91:9-11)
Spiritual Prayer Needs
Power: Pray that your pastors will be energized by the Holy Ghost for their daily pastorial duties. Pray that they will be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, and that they will be prepared to do all things through Christ who strengthens them (Philippians 4:13).
Holiness: Pray for a hedge of purity around your pastors. Cover their eyes, minds, steps, and their hearts with holiness that they will not fall into temptation or the snares of the devil. Pray for their words to be seasoned with grace and for their reminds to be stayed on the Lord.
Accountability: Pray that God will bring people into your pastors' lives to whom they can be accountable to, and that God will continue to cultivate those relationships.
Warfare: Pray the armour of God over your pastors (Ephesians 6:10-18). Quote Scriptures for their protection (Psalm 91; Luke 19:10; etc.). Pray that no weapon formed against them will prosper (Isaiah 54:17), that they will not be ignorant of the enemy's devices, and that the enemy will not gain advantage over them (II Corinthians 2:11).
Leadership and Church Work Prayer Needs
In the City: Pray that God's people will be called forth and be gathered together to your pastors and that they will be anointed to be leaders in your communities.
Pulpit Ministry: Pray for God's anointing to rest heavily upon your pastors and that God will prepare them for that anointing. Pray that the Word of God will come alive as they preach. Pray for a burning conviction to grip the hearts of everyone that is not right with God. Pray that their meditation time will be protected so that they can receive from God the message He has for the church. Pray that their preaching will magnify Christ in all things.
Vision: Pray that your pastors will receive God's direction for the church. Pray that they will be sensitive to the needs of the congregation as they lead and that they will feed their flock.
Counselling: Pray that God's wisdom will flow through your pastors as they deal with their members' problems. Pray that they will be protected from the pressure of sinful, negative, and antagonistic spirits that they may encounter during counselling.
Finances: Pray for wisdom in handling the church finances and for strength to bear the pressure of financial responsibilities. Pray for God's blessing on the church that the church be the head and not the
tail. Pray that the church's stewardship over money will help establish the work of God in your city.
Be assured that praying for your pastors is both necessary and biblical. It is also a source of blessing in your own life, if you labour and faint not. God Hirnself will reward your labour of love as you follow the biblical mandate to support leadership.
