An explaination of the "Because...therefore" illustration

Left Frame
This frame depicts the "first" Exodus. It shows God breaking into Egypt to rescue His people from slavery. It also shows Sinai, the symbols of God's presence on top of the mountain, the covenant with a law-code superimposed, the symbol for Israel living in community around Sinai, and a symbol depicting the Tabernacle in which God took up residence among His people.
Right Frame
This frame depicts the "second" Exodus. We see Jesus Christ, who lived (& lives!) in community with His people, depicted in servant-form, and the cross and the tomb. The tomb is open- Jesus is risen from the dead. An arrow goes from the tomb up into a cloud, pointing to Jesus' ascension. Superimposed on the cloud is a dove, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. The point is that our Risen Lord continues among us through His Spirit.
  Lower Frame
In this frame, we see two people on their knees. They face one another in the posture of servants, as modelled by our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Their desire is to love one another, to serve one another. The little circle around them reminds us that we always live in community. The only way we can serve our invisible God is by serving those very visible neighbors around us.

This illustration, then, sets forth the principles that prevail throughout the Scriptures. The key events of the Old and New Testaments are seen as exodus or rescue events. Throughout the Bible God first tells and shows us who He is and what He has done for us. Only then does God call us to respond. In short: Because I, therefore you. We never do anything to get God to love us- God already does. We merely respond to the God who already loves us, to the God who has already taken care of our salvation.


Symbol for God Circle
God is one, God has no beginning or end.
Outward arrows
God's love goes out from God
Symbol for Jesus and Servanthood
Jesus, our Savior and
Lord, lived the life of a
servant and calls us
to do the same
Symbol for Community
Jesus demonstrated how we are to live in community with one another and with God