Berita NECF Newletters

Computer Workshop for Orang Asli church leaders

Computer Workshop for Orang Asli church leaders

We live in the computer age and in keeping with the times, several Orang Asli pastors and leaders learnt how to use the computer at a one-day workshop in April organised by the NECF Malaysia Orang Asli Commission.

NECF volunteer Leong Yew Lai kicked off the workshop by asking participants to share their experiences - good and bad - with the computer.

Then, it's hands-on learning on using the Word programme - how to format a document, store files, the importance of backing up files, etc.

They were also exposed to a Bible software where they learnt how to search Scriptural texts and topics to help them prepare sermons.

It may have been information overload for the participants but they definitely took home some tips and gained some confidence to get them going.

At least the computer doesn't look so intimidating now.

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