Berita NECF Newletters

WEF Appoints Interim Leadership

Description: Search goes on for a new International Director

A new six-member Interim Operating Team (IOT) has been appointed to manage World Evangelical Fellowship (WEF) until a new International Director is found to replace Dr Jun Vencer, who retired after nine years of service.


The team consists of David Detert (France), Joel Edwards (UK), Dwight Gibson (USA), Eva Sanderson (Zambia), Gerald Seale (Barbados) and Bill Taylor (USA).


With the resignation of Dr Vencer, WEF has decided to close its offices in Singapore and Manila until “we see clearly what and where God leads us,” according to WEF Chairman David Detert. The WEF Secretariat Office in Chicago continues to operate under the direction of the IOT.


“We see this not as a time of weakness or danger, but rather God’s provision of a period of rest and reconsideration before moving to a new direction. Please pray for the personnel and ministries of WEF during this transition,” Detert said.


Meanwhile, WEF has appointed USA-based InterDev to steer the strategic planning process on the future of WEF. InterDev is a Christian organisation engaged in fostering partnerships and developing strategy for Kingdom advancement in unreached countries and among Christian groups.


Gary Edmonds, a member of InterDev, said, "There was a question of WEF's future after this general assembly. But a survey of delegates has revealed huge good will towards WEF. Many of them have a strong desire to be connected to a global body and not operate as individual unconnected groups. There is a passion to move forward as a worldwide evangelical body that also has national and local expressions."


Fifty years have passed since WEF was launched. Where is God leading WEF? “Perhaps this is God’s Year of Jubilee for WEF, where we pause, refresh and celebrate what God has given to His church on earth this past half century. Let us pray, listen and hear what God plans for WEF at this point in the history and advancement of His Kingdom,” urged Detert.

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