Berita NECF Newletters

Tea with Friends

Description: By Goh Poh Gaik

Women do several things well but in two areas, we indisputably excel. Food and Friendship. So when the NECF Women’s Commission learnt that several women from the Women’s Commissions from different parts of the world were attending the 11th General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, we unanimously decided to invite our sisters for tea. There were local gastronomical delights we wanted to treat them to. How could visitors from Bulgaria, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Egypt, India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, America, not savour local favourites like satay, roti jala, curry chicken durian cake, tapioca cake, lobak, jackfruit, rambutan, etc before leaving our shores?


The tea was held in the home of Dr Cheah Soo Ngoh, a commission member, on Sunday May 6.


The table, laden with local treats, looked great… we thought. Our guests confirmed this when they took out their cameras to get pictures of the colourful spread. We had to keep an eye on the clock as our guests had another appointment to keep. But we had a great time. Our gifts of batik silk scarves delighted the women and were appropriate mementos of the occasion. We wish to thank members of our churches who helped with transport and stayed to fellowship with our guests.


We did what women excel in, and enjoy doing—we shared food and made friends. Roti jala, anyone?

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