Berita NECF Newletters

Pastors helping pastors

It is lonely at the top. Pastors know this too well, which is why they need the fellowship of people who, not only understand their struggles but also, empathise with them. Where better can they find kinship and a place to unload their burden than at the pastors’ fellowship (PF).

Currently, in West Malaysia alone, there are about 40 inter-denominational PFs formed within regions. The active ones meet regularly and organise joint activities such as evangelistic rallies and festive celebrations. The closer-knit fellowships even organise retreats for their member-pastors and their families.

Much can be gained from being part of a PF. Besides the encouragement and support one gets from sharing and praying together, it is also an opportunity for the older pastors to ‘mentor’ the younger ones.

For Pr Alvin Tan of Daily Bread Church, he gets to "learn by sharing and observing how the more senior pastors deal with situations." He has also been encouraged to learn that his problems in the ministry are "not uncommon. Other pastors also face the same issues."

In an inter-denominational setting, pastors involved in PFs also become more Kingdom-minded rather than church-minded. Said Pr David Goh of FGA, Selayang, of the Kepong PF: "The friendship and trust built amongst ourselves has led us to work together on many occasions to extend God’s Kingdom." So far, churches represented in the Kepong PF have jointly organised an Easter evangelistic rally, an evangelistic celebration in the Sungai Buloh Leprosy Centre and a Chinese New Year evangelistic celebration.

Evangelism is a major concern with most PFs. In some cases, the Great Commission was the reason for the formation of the PFs. The KL North PF is one such case. Its coordinator, Pr Andy Chi, said the PF was formed to unite the local churches in north Kuala Lumpur for the purpose of evangelising the region.

"We realise that no one congregation can attain this goal. However, if we pool our resources together, we will be able to effectively touch a larger population of our region."

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