Berita NECF Newletters

Presbyterian Churches Adopt Appreciation Day

Presbyterian churches throughout Malaysia will hold appreciation services for their pastors and full-time workers in September. About 100 churches in the three languages are expected to participate in this event proposed by their ruling body, the Malaysian Presbyterian Synod, who in turn is responding to NECF Malaysia’s Appreciation Day initiative.

The Synod has informed the churches to allocate one Sunday worship service within the month for the appreciation service, according to its Executive Secretary, Elder Andrew Siew.

"We have asked our congregations to collect a special offering that will go to our pastors welfare fund as a token of appreciation to their pastors," he said. The fund is used to cover expenses incurred by the pastors for emergency incidents.

The Presbyterian is the second denomination to take up the Appreciation Day initiative. In July, the SIB Sarawak Executive Council, at the urging of the then president, the late Rev Kalip Basar, adopted the proposal as an annual event for all its churches. The Council allocated the last Sunday of August for its churches to hold the appreciation service.


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