Berita NECF Newletters

Soul-Searching Seminar for Men

The ‘confession’ was unexpected. Three grown men went up and readily admitted they had been neglecting their wives and they were feeling poorly about it. The last man – the oldest of the three – cried as he shared.

During the impromptu testimony time, most of the men in the hall pensively cast their eyes on the floor, perhaps doing their own soul-searching as the willing men up there bared their souls.

The three were testifying on the second morning of the recent two-day Promise Keepers (PK) Men’s Conference organised by NECF Malaysia. They were among the 155 participants who were convicted by messages on fidelity, male sexuality and female medical problems.

Speakers from the US-based PK Gordon England and Dr Ramesh Richards took participants through PK’s seven promises covering personal holiness and spiritual discipline, relationships, sexual purity and service. The third PK speaker, Levi Velasco, spoke about the necessity of men’s ministry in the local church and how to get it started.

But it was the eye-opening workshops that seemed to hit the participants. Former gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr Chew Weng Chew, who is now senior pastor of SIB Kuala Lumpur, shared intimately about the medical problems unique to women during the ‘Understanding the Mysterious Female’ workshop.

His talk, which included the changes and risks women face during pregnancy, labour and post-childbirth period, helped the participants to literally see (through the stark visuals) the problems and perils women face.

Pr Chew also drew from his past medical experience to make his point about the physical dangers of extra-marital affairs. He had seen women suffering from their husbands’ infidelity – they (the wives) contracted the venereal diseases from their husbands who contracted them through their extra-marital affairs.

Consultant urologist Dr Peter Ng’s Male Sexual Health workshop was a memorable and hilarious session on the purpose, necessity and positive effects of God’s ‘gift’ to married couples. Research has shown that active use of this ‘gift’ helps to prolong the couple’s lives, Dr Ng said to the approval and applause of his eager listeners.

Participants also learned about the tools available to protect their families from Internet filth through the Overcoming the Dangers on the Net workshop conducted by computer professional Hee Kim Fah.

Overall, the conference was a fresh and sterling reminder to the men about their responsibilities, role and marriage vow. One man candidly said as he was driving home after the conference: "I do not promise I’ll be a good husband but I promise I will try." For the organiser, that’s good enough.

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