Berita NECF Newletters

Chinese Analytical Layout Bible

Description: Arranged by: Dr Patrick Y. Tang Published by: Bible Exposition Society, Hong Kong

This information-packed Bible is highly recommended for the Chinese-reading readers who are looking for an easier understanding of God’s Word. The verses in each of the 66 books are grouped according to subject and at times, in point form, thus enabling the readers to grasp the message easily.

For example, Ephesians 6:1-4 is so arranged that readers will clearly see that Paul was listing the separate responsibilities of parents and children. Dr Tang has also sub-titled each group of verses; in this case, the sub-title is: How parents and children may live harmoniously.

Cross references are provided to help those doing research.

At the beginning of each book, he provides an overview of the book, the background, information of the author, theme, purpose and outline of the book. In addition, every book comes with a chart and the Bible ends with plentiful information and charts on important subjects such as end-times, Jesus’ parables and miracles, Jesus’ biography, Paul’s missionary journey, the timeline of the Israelite kings, and feasts of Israel. The Bible is available from NECF Malaysia office at RM140 each but pastors and full-time workers may get it at RM110 each.

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