Berita NECF Newletters

Good Effort By Melaka Churches

Description: Report

The NECF Foundation’s first anniversary dinner gathering in June was a showcase of unity for Melaka churches, which worked together to produce a highly enjoyable and yet meaningful event. The dinner was attended by some 320 guests who were treated to a host of high quality performances of songs and dance.

Award-winning singer Juwita Suwito sang three songs and promptly gave an encore to a cheering crowd. Real Love Ministry Director Edmund Smith also presented four songs while children from The Salvation Army and the Hosanna Assembly Church provided a sentimental touch to the evening with their well-rehearsed dance routines.

The dinner also saw the soft launch of the NECF insurance plan that offers financial protection against premature death, disability or critical illnesses, and retirement fund in the event that no claim was made.

Thanks to the dinner, Melaka churches now have a better understanding of the ministries of NECF Malaysia and the presence and purpose of the Foundation.

Juwita Edmund Smith




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