Berita NECF Newletters

Shield that Protects and Bonds

Description: The Pastors’ Prayer Shield campaign was an initiative to mobilise church members to pray for their pastors. Along the way, it drew both parties closer, sometimes healing hurts and mending rifts.

Lately, the pressure of ministry has been weighing heavily on the mind of Pr Roy (not his real name). The more he thought about the issues in his church, the deeper he sank into the pit of depression. As he drifted down, the call to quit grew louder.

Just then, his eyes fell upon an envelope from NECF Malaysia. Slowly, he opened it and drew out the contents. There were some publicity posters about the Pastors’ Prayer Shield campaign and a letter to pastors encouraging them to press on.

Thoughts of leaving the ministry dimmed as fresh hope well up in his heart. "I had wanted to tell my leaders, ‘Before you give up on me, I have already given up’. The posters and letter were God’s encouragement to me to stay on in the ministry," he recalled.

Soon after the episode, Pr Roy received another boost when a fellow pastor unexpectedly presented him a gift – a set of John Maxwell’s Partners in Prayer book and VCD. Since then, God has been bringing people to Pr Roy to pray with him. In gratitude, Pr Roy exclaimed: "Dear prayer partners, you are very important to us as you are co-labourers with us in the ministry. Thank you for being such a blessing to us."

Indeed, the Pastors’ Prayer Shield campaign, first launched in February last year, has restored many struggling pastors wrestling various issues in their churches and personal lives.

Initiated by the NECF Malaysia Prayer Commission, the nationwide campaign has since then been launched in all the 14 states, mainly through the local pastors’ fellowships.

The feedback received thus far has been overwhelming, with many eager testimonies pouring out freely from both pastors and congregants.

For pastors, it has renewed their zeal for the ministry, affirmed their calling and re-directed their focus from their problems to the purpose of their calling. For the congregants, the campaign has caused them to be mindful of their pastors’ struggles and reminded them of their role as co-labourers.

As God softened the hearts on both sides, hurts and differences gave way to a better appreciation and understanding of each other’s needs, a scene that is reminiscent of Peter’s words, "…love covers over a multitude of sins" (1 Pet. 4:8).

This emotional healing has also brought physical changes – some pastors have reported that overall, their members are now healthier! Emotionally healed, physically fit and spiritually charged, the churches can now charge ahead to impact their communities for the Lord.

And impacting communities has to do with how Christians interact with the non-Christians in their daily lives. One pastor shared how his prayer partners helped him to confront an enraged non-Christian motorcyclist whom he accidentally knocked down while on his way to visit a cancer patient.

"I tried to calm him and offered to pay for his bike repairs and the hospital bills. He was not satisfied and threatened to harm me physically," Pr Rodney said.

"I immediately called my prayer partners for prayer support. Two days later, the motorcyclist phoned me. He sounded very different. His tone was more subdued and repentant."

"I got his bike repaired and even bought him a new pair of slippers. I could see that he was very touched. God did something in his heart even as my prayer partners prayed for him. In fact when I thanked them for their prayers, they shared that they have prayed that the man would be humble and repentant.

"I have been so encouraged by my prayer partners. Truly, there is power in united and concerted prayers," Pr Rodney said.

While the campaign has spurred churches on the road to healing and unity, the organisers have also encountered churches with a lackadaisical attitude towards prayer support for their pastors. According to the commission’s executive secretary, Ann Low, some churches do not see the need to form prayer groups that will consistently pray for their pastors.

"Some pastors think they are okay and it doesn’t really matter if they have prayer support or not. Some said they’re shy to ask their members to pray for them! We think it is very important that pastors are protected in prayer as they face many temptations, which are sometimes so subtle that they fall into them without even realising it. As for pastors who are shy, they must be thick-skinned. It’s not selfish to ask for prayers. In fact, when pastors ask for prayers, it is so that they can serve more effectively. Ultimately, the congregation benefits and the whole church is blessed."

Ann is urging churches that need help in starting a prayer shield for their pastors to contact NECF Malaysia. For churches that are already participating in the campaign, she urged them to continue shielding their pastors with their consistent prayers.

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