Berita NECF Newletters

Success in God's Economy

Description: Who is the 'successful' prophet - Haggai or Jeremiah?

Success in God's Economy: Who is the 'successful' prophet - Haggai or Jeremiah?

From our human perspective, Haggai's ministry was successful because people listened to him and rebuilt the temple. Tasks were accomplished and goals achieved.

As for Jeremiah, Judah collapsed and went into exile during his ministry. When he spoke God's word, people refused to obey. He was threatened and imprisoned. In short, he did not accomplish what he set out to do.

In modern terms, his performance indicators (KRA - Key Results Areas) were not met, even though he remained faithful to the Lord. However, in God's economy, Jeremiah's calling was just as valid as Haggai's and was equally successful. So, what is success to God? If we are in Jeremiah's shoes, consider these:

  • Should success be measured in terms of attendance or member­ship, budget or financial resource, number of programs or powerful ministries, and size of building?
  • Whose ministry should be a model of success - Jeremiah's or Haggai's?

Christianity has to do with authenticity. Whether our ministry is Haggai-like or Jeremiah-like is God's choice - His calling. When people look at the church, they see a model of what it means to live under God's reign.

We need to show the world - which often seeks pleasure apart from God - that we are willing to suffer and sacrifice for a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Success in God's economy is doing His will. - Extracted from "Is Your Church an Agent of Transformation?" by P. Vijayan, DBA (Aus) to be published in Forum VI by the NECF Research Commission.

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