Berita NECF Newletters

The New May 13

The New May 13

MAY 13, 1969 is an ignominious date in our nation's history because of the racial clashes and bloodshed that occurred between fellow Malaysians on this dark day.

However, May 13, 2009 has become an historical event for the Malaysian Church as on this day, churches within the Klang Valley, irrespective of denominations, gathered to celebrate God's deliverance.

The event at DUMC Dream Centre, Petaling Jaya, marked the dawning of a new era after 40 years. From a biblical perspective, the 40-year period symbolises a passing over of fear and bondage and ushered in the Esther anointing for churches and the nation.

Pastors were called to pray for seven categories for the Church and for the future of the nation. With one voice, the congregation of more than 2,000 Christians concurred and brought their hearts' cries before His throne of grace.

Mark Geppert, President of the South East Asia Prayer Centre, shared from Luke 9 and 10. As Jesus sent the disciples out two by two, likewise we are "sent" and "to go" to every corner of the nation to pray, intercede and proclaim the Good News of the kingdom as we have been given the authority to do so. This is reflected in the report by the disciples in Luke 10:17, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name."

It was indeed a "new day" for the Malaysian Church, for we no longer dwell in the past, but look forward to what God would do in the generations to come for the Church and for Malaysia. What an encouragement it was to all of us as much emphasis was laid on loving our neighour - the theme of our 40-Day Fast and Prayer. Surely the Lord is prodding the Malaysian Church to go out and love her neighbours and if she "goes", the Church will never be the same again.

We were encouraged to look with expectation to what God will do through the local church for this nation. All glory and honour to our Lord and Saviour Jesus.

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