Berita NECF Newletters

Kuala Lumpur 2001 Declaration

We, 77 Christian leaders from 16 nations, have gathered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on January 31 to February 2, 2001 under the World Evangelical Fellowship to think through together a Christian response to globalisation.

Globalisation is a process that radically impacts both human life and the environment that supports it. God, who is sovereign over world history, has delegated to humanity the stewardship of His creation (Gen. 1:27–28) and has called the Church to be an agent of change in the world (Matt. 5:13–16).

We therefore affirm:

1) An Integrated

Understanding of Life:

Globalisation affects the structures of power and influence in economics, politics and social life, culture and religious life. The Church must relate biblical truth to all aspects of life, including all the perspectives and practices affected by globalisation. We reject a global culture dominated by materialistic values. We reject the prevalent dualistic view of life that separates the secular from the sacred and marginalises faith from public life. We must replace it with whole-life discipleship, the only form of biblical discipleship. The Church must seek to relate biblical truth to all aspects of life in perspective and practice.

2) A Critical Engagement with Globalisation:

God is active in the world, working out His sovereign purposes even in and through globalisation. Globalisation opens up many opportunities, especially through the dramatic changes in the technologies of communications and information. The Church should consider the opportunities opened up by globalisation and discern how these may be used for the glory of God and the fulfilment of the task of the Church.

3) Supporting Just Policies:

Globalisation offers unprecedented freedom and breaks down many barriers to human activity. However, in its present materialistic and predatory form, it tends to disproportionately benefit the rich and the powerful. Globalisation promotes a "level playing field" with no barriers, but with vastly unequal competitors. The Church resists aspects of globalisation that exploit the poor and ruin the environment. The Church should support economic policies characterised by justice and oriented towards the well-being of all and which protect the welfare of the weak, the marginalised and poor.

We, participants of the International Consultation on Globalisation, by the grace of God and through the enablement of the Holy Spirit, declare our commitment to seek:

  1. The enhancement of human life according to biblical truths;
  2. The engagement of globalisation by the Church in the fulfilment of its mission in the world; and
  3. The equitable application of economic and fiscal policies for the benefit of all peoples.

To God be the glory.

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