Berita NECF Newletters

New CFM Exco

Chairman of the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) Malaysia Rev. Datuk Dr Prince Guneratnam was elected the Chairman of Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) at the recent Biennial CFM General Conference for a two-year term. He replaces Archbishop Datuk Yong Ping Chung who has served in the capacity for the last two biennial terms.

CFM is the official representative of the Christian community in Malaysia to the government. It comprises the three Christian component bodies—Roman Catholic Church in Malaysia (RCCM), Council of Churches of Malaysia (CCM) and NECF Malaysia.

CFM was established in 1985 to look after the interests of the Christian community as a whole with particular reference to religious freedom and rights as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

The new Chairman, in his maiden speech, said that for CFM to be beneficial and to fulfill its purpose, "we must live the gospel, growing in love, trust and faith towards God and each other." CFM also needs to be seen and heard as an advocate of the gospel and a vehicle for cooperation and fellowship, he added.

The Exco also includes three principal secretaries. They are Rev. Wong Kim Kong (NECF Malaysia); Rev. Dr Hermen Shastri (CCM); and Bro. Augustine Julian (RCCM).

CFM EXCO 2001-2002

Chairman : Rev. Datuk Dr Prince Guneratnam
Vice-Chairmen : Bishop Antony Selvanayagam (RCCM)
Bishop Datuk Voo Thien Fui (CCM)
Rev. Dr Eu Hong Seng (NECF Vice-Chairman)
Honorary Secretary : Bishop James Chan (RCCM)
Asst. Hon. Secretary : Bishop Datuk Dr Peter Chio (CCM)
Honorary Treasurer : Rt. Rev. Tan Sri Datuk Dr C.E. Lim (CCM)
Asst. Hon. Treasurer : Mr Samuel Ang (NECF Hon. Treasurer)
Committee Members : Mr Kong Yeng Phooi (NECF Hon. Secretary)
Archbishop Datuk Peter Chung (RCCM)
Mrs Angeline B. Fernandez (RCCM)
Bishop Julius Paul (CCM)

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