Berita NECF Newletters

No Squatting Over Still Waters

Description: It is critical to understand the customs of the Orang Asli (OA) if we are to be effective in ministering to them
By Rev. Lieow Meng Kuang

The OA are steeped in superstitions and taboos that have been developed and preserved for generations through adverse circumstances. Although many new things have been introduced into their life, for many, their mindset and way of life have not changed.

Understanding their customs means knowing their mindset. I am tempted to write about their many dos and don’ts as being aware of them have helped me during the 20 years of working among them. However, I will just dwell on one.

Among the major OA tribes, there is a long-held belief that squatting over still waters to ‘do your business’ will open the way for the ‘spirit of water’ to enter their stomachs, thereby causing their stomachs to swell. This may lead to a gruesome death.

This belief has been held rigidly for generations and so strict is it that whoever breaks the rule will be fined to appease the spirit.

No squatting over still waters means no toilets, so they go to the rivers. The Health Department officials are not happy with this because we take our drinking water from the same rivers. Hoping to resolve the problem, the department built toilets for them but they end up as stores for firewood. Termites help to hasten the stores’ destruction. The department has given up on the OA and left them to their habits.

This toilet belief is so deeply ingrained that we have had OA children attending our Vacation Bible School dirtying our campsite to avoid going to the toilets. I have heard an OA said, "I am not going to camp because there is a lot of good food there. After getting used to eating, my stomach will grow big. When I return home I have to find more food to fill it." I am sure he was also worried about having to move his bowels!

They are not only afraid of stomach problems, but also offending the ‘guardian spirits’ and their elders.

Actually, this ‘toilet’ belief has some good in it. Stagnant water is breeding ground for malaria-carrying mosquitoes and a person squatting over the still water may get infected by the parasite and die as a result. So, there is a medical explanation to this but the OA, of course, think it’s all because of spirits and their fears have bound them.

Medicine may help to convince them of their errors, but only the power of the Truth can dispel their fears. And only when we understand their superstitions and fears can we know precisely how to help them overcome their fears.

(Rev. Lieow is the NECF Malaysia OA Ministry Chairman.)

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