Berita NECF Newletters

New BM Fellowship targets evangelism and discipleship

The BM Pastors Fellowship in Melaka has been dissolved and replaced by a new fellowship that comprises pastors and also church leaders. The new fellowship is called Persekutuan Pelayanan BM Melaka or Melaka BM Ministers Fellowship, and aims to strengthen and expand the BM ministry in the state, particularly in evangelism and discipleship.

The fellowship represents BM churches from the Methodist, SIB, AOG and Salvation Army denominations and also includes some independent churches.

The move was initiated by the NECF Malaysia BM Commission whose Executive Secretary Alfred Tais is the advisor to the committee, chaired by Calvary Life Assembly Melaka pastor Edward Avit. All the committee members of the previous fellow- ship have graciously stepped down to make way for new faces to serve.

One of the fellowship’s immediate tasks is to mobilise BM churches in Melaka to participate in the NECF Malaysia 40-day Prayer and Fast. This also includes organising a Merdeka Prayer Rally for the BM churches (separate from the rally for English-speaking congregations) in Melaka.


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