Berita NECF Newletters

Intercessors ‘do lunch’

WHEN food is served, somehow relationships deepen. So, last year, intercessors from churches in Petaling Jaya started meeting to “do lunch”.

The first lunch fellowship was hosted by PJEFC (the churches take turns to play host) with some 30 prayer leaders from Petaling Jaya churches in attendance. Since then, CLC, DUMC, RLC and PJ Glad Tidings have generously fed – physically and spiritually – the growing number of participants at the bi-monthly fellowships. At the last gathering on Feb 12 at Glad Tidings, 46 prayer leaders from 15 churches showed up.

Organised by NECF Malaysia Prayer Commission, the lunch fellowships provide the opportunity for the prayer leaders and intercessors to build relationships and gain experience from one another. Besides learning the various ways churches conduct their prayer meetings and prayer programmes, they also get to hear the heart of the pastor of the host church who will give a short exhortation at the gathering.

The next church privileged to play host is Grace Assembly, PJ. There are no shortages of hosts, says NECF Prayer Executive Ann Low. “People are coming up to offer to host the gatherings.”

Basically, the lunch fellowships aim to help intercessors get to know each other and learn how God is moving in specific regions, for example Petaling Jaya. “The enthusiastic response shows that there is a growing desire among Christians to move beyond their churches and see the bigger picture,” Ann observes.

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