Berita NECF Newletters

BM Pastors and Leaders Conference (April 1-3)

Description: “Gereja, Cabaran Trend & Respon Kristen” (The Church and Christian Response to Trends and Challenges)

This conference at PJ Glad Tidings, Jalan Gasing is for those involved in the Bahasa Malaysia ministry to help them know the trends of the times and understand how they affect the Church.

Organised by the NECF Malaysia Bahasa Malaysia Commission, the speakers will also share the challenges facing the BM Church in Malaysia and how to seize the opportunities before them. As leadership is one of the most important factors to the success of a church or a ministry, those in leadership are strongly urged to attend the conference so that they are adequately prepared to lead. Participation is by registration only. The night meetings are open to all BM churches, especially those in the Klang Valley.

Speakers: Rev Dr Bambang Widjaja, Head of the Indonesia Evangelical Fellowship, and widely known in Indonesia for his ministries in missions, youth and intercession; and NECF Secretary-General Rev Wong Kim Kong.

For further information, contact Alfred Tais at the NECF office or 016-228 3119 or 019-268 3119.

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