Berita NECF Newletters

Kids Learn Serious Business of Intercession

Description: Church at Large

Children are learning the serious business of intercession. During the recent June school break, 15 children aged nine to 12 from five churches in Kuala Lumpur spent three days and two nights at a prayer camp learning the art of hearing God’s voice and battling spirits – not with the mouse or joystick but with worship and prayer.

The camp was organised by the Wall, an interdenominational ministry aimed at stirring revival in Malaysia through worship and prayer. The little ones learned lessons such as waiting on God, and  understanding His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. At the camp, the children were also exposed to CAR (children at risk) – children living in situations which may include bonded child labour, war, sexual abuse and extreme poverty.

One boy commented, “I like the teaching on prayer and I have learned to be more confident in prayer”. Asked if they would return for another prayer camp, the reply was a unanimous resounding “yes”.

Meanwhile, over 16,000 copies of the NECF 40-day Prayer and Fast prayer guides for children have been snapped up by churches, Christian kindergartens and schools, signifying a mounting interest to expose our young ones to intercession and the spiritual discipline of fasting.

No, we’re not in snooze land. We’re waiting on God and hopefully, hear His voice.

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