Berita NECF Newletters

Drunk Before Dawn Dazzles Crowd

Description: Report

In the early 1900s, Borneo was a mysterious land, a huge island in the South China Sea, alive with stories of wild men, headhunters and the White Rajahs. It was against this backdrop that the story of SIB began, and Drunk before Dawn, The Musical was set.

The musical, produced by SIB KL in celebration of its 10th anniversary, was a showcase of young Malaysian talents, with composers, orchestrator, playwright and lyricists, all aged below 25.The musical was staged to standing ovations at four performances last December to over 4000 people.

But more than a glamorous display of vocal and musical talents, drama prowess and special effects, the musical was a celebration of the fortitude of Christian brotherhood, a powerful testimony of a group of people moving constantly in a unified direction, fulfilling their destiny and His purpose, resonating God’s grace and mercies at every turn.
Today, SIB has gone beyond the shores of Borneo. In just under 10 years, SIB planted 35 churches in Peninsular Malaysia with SIB KL as the sole English-speaking congregation.

At the church’s anniversary dinner attended by 2000 people, its senior pastor, Dr Chew Weng Chee, challenged those present to press on and take the next decade with a renewed passion.

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