Berita NECF Newletters

Membership Growth

‘Ordinary membership’ is opened to legally constituted local churches and registered Christian organisations or institutions.

‘Associate membership’ is opened to individual Christians who are in sympathy with the aims and objectives and statement of faith of the NECF, and who would like to pray and support the work of NECF.

Prepared for Present Ministry

A former NECF Malaysia staff member shares the lessons learned during his years in NECF

“NECF was like a fast-pace, high-pressure Formula 1 race!” recalled KOSHY THOMAS. “We were always short of personnel and time, and sometimes even space and finance.”

But those years of tough drive were training grounds for his present ministry as a pastor, said Koshy, who was NECF’s DAWN (Discipling A Whole Nation) Research Secretary.

He explained: “Working in NECF brought out the best and worst in me. I discovered natural abilities and acquired new skills and experiences. At the same time, it was a humbling and painful experience to admit my weaknesses. I struggled, wept and grew. In all these, I learned to cling even closer to the Father.”

Koshy, a nuclear scientist by training, is grateful for having been through those tough years. He now pastors Air Jernih Presbyterian Church, a semi-urban church in Kuala Terengganu. The privilege of meeting pastors and leaders from a wide spectrum of churches while working in
NECF has helped him to appreciate the need to learn from and work with other churches and denominations.

Another valuable lesson learned was that service to God must be characterised by excellence, but it is all right to make mistakes, even big ones. “Just get up, learn and grow,” he urged.

“We need to be gracious with others who make mistakes. I saw this exemplified in Daniel Ho, (the founding general secretary, whom Koshy served under) who was always firm, gracious with the staff, even when we made blunders.”

Koshy added: “Inter-personal conflict is inevitable in any ministry. Some of the lessons I learned in NECF in dealing with conflict have helped greatly in my present ministry.”

To the present NECF team, Koshy remarked: “You are all doing a superb job! And thank you for serving the Church in the East Coast.”


“Our church has had no problem with the authorities in our 12 years of existence, thanks to the constant advice given by NECF on how to conduct ourselves. Simple things like air-conditioning our church to make it soundproof and proper parking so as not to obstruct traffic. Basically, we were made aware of the small things, which if not attended to, could have affected our witness and relationship with the authorities.

NECF has been faithful in visiting the pastors’ fellowship in Melaka and through their sharing at our gatherings, we pastors have been encouraged and motivated to persevere in our ministry. The Pastors’ Prayer Shield campaign has made our church members more aware of the pastors’ struggles and their need for prayer. My church leaders have presented this message in Tamil in our church and as a result, our members are now praying for me and my family.

On the larger picture, NECF has helped churches to look beyond their walls through their activities on prayer, evangelism and church growth. We are now more aware of, not just national, but global issues.”


“I can think of several important roles that NECF plays. It provides leadership. For example, alot of praying for the country – both individually and corporately – is in response to NECF’s call to stand in the gap for our nation.

More importantly, NECF is what I believe to be a prophetic voice to the Church, and this is well demonstrated at the recent prayer retreat for the southern English-speaking Presbyterian churches where Rev. Wong (NECF Secretary-General) was the main speaker. I truly believe through him, God was speaking to the Presbyterian churches at this particular point in time.

As for my church, NECF has been an older brother providing godly counsel and representing our needs. Some years ago, we bought a piece of land and successfully applied to the authorities to have it designated as a ‘religious’ land. We thought there would be no problem putting up our church building but when we applied to build the church, we were rejected. We appealed and were rejected again.

NECF heard about our plight and intervened. They submitted our application to the proper authorities and within a very short time, the approval came through. Praise God we’ll be putting up our building soon.”

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