Berita NECF Newletters

Back to Basics

BACK TO BASICS And forward to the future

Life in NECF Malaysia is a never-ending daily rush to complete numerous tasks. In our busyness, we may forget our original aims and what we were first called to do and be. Always present is the danger of being overwhelmed by the immediate pressing issues such that we veer from the path He has laid for us.

We realise we have to constantly look back to our aims and objectives to remind ourselves of our role and responsibility to the Evangelical Church of Malaysia. We want to affirm our calling to:

  • Provide a platform for fellowship and partnership among churches especially in missions, evangelism, Bible teaching and social action;
  • Assist in spurring, under the hand of God, renewal and revival in Malaysia;
  • Provide a medium for the safeguard and spread of the Christian faith; and
  • Represent the Christian community on issues and matters affecting the Church and society at large in consultation and joint action with other Christian and religious bodies in the country.

Not only must we look back, we must also look ahead to discern the changes and challenges facing the Church of Malaysia, whose values, ethics and lifestyle are under increasing pressure to conform to the global changes.

Here is where NECF desires to play the role of uniting the efforts, vision and plans of the churches. Therefore, we will seek to:

  • Continue to be a strong Evangelical voice for our churches by responding positively and timely to the needs and changes in our fast-developing country;
  • Further strengthen our churches through our various commissions by motivating, equipping, and developing their ministries;
  • Focus on research, data collection, development of resource materials, networking, strategic thinking and critical approaches to relevant ministries in anticipation of the future challenges;
  • Continue to be a catalyst for change, facilitator for development, and an equipper for ministry; and
  • Be involved in global cooperation and partnership in establishing and strengthening other national Evangelical fellowships in the world.

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