Berita NECF Newletters

For Your Prayers


Last mid-November at Sangla Hill (outside Lahore) a Muslim, during a financial dispute with a Christian, falsely accused the Christian of desecrating Korans. Exploiting this, Islamic clerics called Muslims to the mosques, inciting them to ‘defend Islam’ and attack the Christians. Over 2000 Muslims rampaged, burning churches and driving some 450 Christian families from their homes. The pogrom went unchecked with tacit support from local police and officials.

The earthquake has left Pakistan in great need of aid, which is coming primarily from Western nations and Christian NGOs. The anti-Christian violence at Sangla Hill is therefore embarrassing Pakistan, with several groups calling for a High Court inquiry. Also reported are hundreds of Christians in Sind Province being evicted and their homes given to Muslims displaced from Kashmir.

Pray that the government Pakistan will have the courage and strength to cut off radicalisation and incitement to violence at its source – in the Wahhabi-led, pro-jihad madrassas and mosques; that the blasphemy law will be repealed; that the High Court inquiry into the violence in Sangla Hill  will expose evil and injustice, and lay the foundations for social and legal reform, as well as for religious liberty; that evicting Christian families from their homes in Sind Province will end and justice will be done; that God will break the powerful hold the Islamic clerics have over the poor masses.


Belarus is known as Europe’s last Soviet-style dictatorship, and President Lukashenka as a repressive, controlling, pro-Soviet dictator. In 2002, Belarus enacted Europe’s most repressive Religion Law. All religious groups must be registered with the government; registration is very difficult to achieve; and all unregistered religious activity is illegal.

Lukashenka, who is known to have perfected election fraud, has also amended the Belarus’ Constitution, removing the limit on the number of terms a president can serve, so he may now stand again in the next presidential elections and effectively rule for life. He is presently clamping down on all freedoms and stepping up security in preparation for the 2006 presidential elections.

‘Discrediting the Republic of Belarus’ will be a new criminal offence. An individual, church or NGO reporting repression or persecution to the outside world will be guilty of a ‘crime against the state’, attracting the wrath
of the KGB and the government. A senior official recently lamented that officers had not repressed the church enough: religion was not under control, as believers were still worshipping, handing out literature and conducting baptisms.

Pray for all Belarusian officials and KGB who deal with Christians and  confiscate Christian literature, that God will use the witness of  His Church and His word to lead many to Christ; pray for Belarusian believers to keep growing, preparing for the time when their sowing in tears becomes reaping in joy; God to awaken all Belarusians to the need for justice and  liberty, and give them courage to stand for what is right and good; freedom for the Church to be a blessing to all Belarus with her gospel message, to the glory of God.


The year 2005 has seen Russian government authorities continue the policy of supporting the chosen ‘traditional’ group of religious confessions while gradually marginalising the others.

This subtle religious discrimination can be expected to worsen. Even supposing the government changes its outlook and includes in the chosen circle some other ‘traditional’ groups like Baptists, Lutherans and even Catholics, there will still be others like Pentecostals, Charismatics, Methodists, Presbyterians, Old-ritualists (Staroobryadtsy) and alternative Orthodox believers who will be increasingly liable to discrimination and persecution.

Last November it emerged the Ministry of Justice had drafted a law that would undermine the ‘non-traditional’ religious groups. However, following reaction to reports in the mass media, the Ministry said it was only a working document.

Pray for growing spiritual revival in the Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate (ROC MP), that all its members including the leadership may be filled with God’s love and power, focusing on the Truth through the knowledge of God’s word; the ROC MP to reconcile with other Christians in Russia, realising they are not ‘sectarians’ separated from the Church; continuing growth among all Protestant churches, for establishing good relationships with local Russian Orthodox congregations, and for their growing spiritual impact in the life of the nation.; God’s protection from aggression by nationalistic and religious extremists and officials violating religious freedom, and for their discriminatory actions to be revealed and justly punished.

“May the Lord our God be with us as he was with our fathers; may he never leave us nor forsake us. May he turn our hearts to him, to walk in all his ways and to keep the commands, decrees and regulations he gave our fathers.’ 1 Kings 8:57–58

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