Berita NECF Newletters

How to Last the Fast

Description: This year’s 40-day Prayer and Fast to benefit the poor

When fasting, there is strength in numbers. This proves to be true for the many Christians who took part in last year’s nationwide 40-Day Prayer and Fast initiated by the NECF Malaysia Prayer Commission.

The initiative was a call to pray for the nation and many signed up to participate out of their grave concern for the welfare of the country. But what sustained them through the 40 days was the thought of fasting and praying together as a body. Knowing that many others were fasting alongside them inspired and encouraged them to "tahan" to the end.

The tremendous response to the prayer and fast initiative – indicated by the snapping up of all 43,000 prayer booklets that were released – were a pleasant surprise to the commission.

Spurred by the overwhelming response, the commission is mobilising another prayer and fast this year, but with a difference – it will focus on social concerns in line with Isaiah 58:7, "Is it (the fast) not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter – when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?"

Participants will be encouraged to save the money set aside for their meals during the fasting period. At the end of the 40 days, the money will be handed over to NECF Malaysia, who will then channel the collection to charitable organisations and needy churches.

The commission hopes to raise RM2.4 million by signing up 20,000 participants who can pledge RM120 each (at RM3 a meal a day for 40 days).

Although the prayer and fast will kick off on July 21, it will be launched earlier on July 6 to mobilise participants and facilitate administrative matters. The fasting period will end on August 29, followed by the annual Merdeka Eve prayer rally the next day.

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