Berita NECF Newletters

Free Shofar, anyone?

Would your church like a shofar? Shofar maker Paul W. Howe is eager to give your church one. For free. Not only that, he is offering lessons on how to blow the shofar using the pert-sound technique, which he has developed. With this technique, anyone can easily sound the shofar, he said.

Paul, who juggles his shofar ministry and his work as a sound editor in his church (Miracle, Signs & Wonder Fellowship), picked up the shofar interest in October 2005 when he was awakened by the sound of the shofar during one Sunday worship service in church.

Something in me jumped when I heard the sound, he recalled. He then began to search the Internet for the instrument that gave the sound, and finally managed to get hold of a rams horn shofar from abroad. But wow, was it smelly! The horn had to be treated before it could be blown or everyone would have run away.

Paul found that a ready-to-blow shofar is rather pricey for the average Malaysian and this would be an obstacle to popularising it as a regular instrument for worship. He then decided to import raw rams horns from abroad and treat them locally, and sell them at affordable prices. Those interested to know more may contact Paul at 016-2656605 or email



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