Berita NECF Newletters

For Your Prayers

EVERY November, we focus our thoughts and prayers on our persecuted brethern worldwide. According to German evangelical newspaper idea, approximately 80 percent of all victims of religious persecution are Christians in 50 countries.

As we intercede for them, let us consider taking an offering for their practical needs. Oftentimes, they face difficulty securing jobs simply because they are Christians. They are vulnerable, marginalised and at risk. Barnabas Fund, a ministry that aids suffering Christians by providing material and spiritual support, has themed this year’s Suffering Church Sunday, “He will bring justice”. Its director, Patrick Sookhedo, says, “From beginning to the end of His Word, God tells us that He loves justice and cares for the oppressed”.

The very notion of openness and liberty have been beaten and brainwashed out of existence. But after more than half a century of isolation there are cracks appearing in the fortifications through which the outside world can be glimpsed.

The greatest difficulty is the tough human skin created by 50 years of lies and propaganda. But God created man for relationship with him and with a longing for spiritual truth. A struggle for openness and liberty is inevitable. Pray for the nation: for the Spirit of Christ to infiltrate the nation with His gospel and loving presence through cracks that God will make and doors that God will open, or through supernatural means like dreams and visions. May Christ bring justice, righteousness, healing, comfort, abundant life and salvation to the people, freedom to the prisoners, and healing to the land. (Luke 4:18,19). Pray for the Church which exists primarily in horrendous prison labour camps, and also in underground, secret house-churches, that these most cruelly-abused believers will be preserved and strengthened in their faith and hope by the ever-present Holy Spirit.

When international pressure earlier in the year forced Afghan president Hamid Karzai to find a pretext to release Abdul Rahman, a convert from Islam to Christianity who would have faced execution, there were many other consequences. One is that Karzai’s own position was considerably weakened because of the shame and humiliation involved in capitulating to the West. If he falls, it is likely that his replacement would be considerably more hardline.

Please commit this situation to God, asking that His will be done. Pray for the protection of Afghan Christians, most of them, if not all of them, who are converts from Islam.

This year has seen increased chaos and destruction in the Middle East. Among the many refugees who have fled the violence in Iraq, Lebanon and Israel are hundreds of thousands of our Christian brothers and sisters, perhaps as many as 750,000.

There are around 200,000 Iraqi Christian refugees in Syria, and a similar number in Jordan. They have escaped the chaos and growing anti-Christian threats and violence of their homeland, but live in poverty, unable to settle legally or support themselves effectively.

Within Iraq, many Christians have left their homes and moved to the north, desperately hoping to find a measure of security there. Those who have not left are living in desperation and hopeless-ness, compounded by the dangers which confront all Iraqis.

Over 100,000 Lebanese Christians have moved from areas affected by this year’s war to the relative safety of the mountains or over the border to Syria and Jordan. At the same time hundreds of Christian Arab Israelis have left the war-affected areas of northern Israel for the West Bank, while many other are making their way to Syria.
The most vulnerable of all are the Fillipino, Sri Lankan and other Christians from “third countries” who were working in Lebanon when the war broke out; neither their governments nor their employers seem to care what becomes of them. There could be as many as 100,000 of these forgotten ones, few of whom can hope to make it home to their own country.

Pray that these suffering brethren will find hope in their desperation; God will strengthen them to face discrimination and violence, refresh the spirits of those who are weary and renew their confidence in the Lord of history.

According to World Evangelical Alliance, the persecution of Christians in India is now at its worst ever. Anti-Christian persecution began to escalate when the Hindu nationalist BJP party won the 1999 elections for the federal government. They lost the 2004 elections and some respite came to Christians. However several state governments are controlled by the BJP. Hindutva (Hindu nationalist) forces are working hard to incite religious hatred against Christians and Muslims, to persecute Christians, and to forcibly convert many to Hinduism. Their aim is to ensure a BJP victory in the 2009 elections. Pray for grace for Indian Christians to “rejoice and be glad” remembering that their reward in heaven will be great (Matt. 5:12).

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