Berita NECF Newletters

View BM Ministry Seriously, Churches Urged

Description: NECF Malaysia BM Commission Members share their hope for the future of the BM ministry in Peninsular Malaysia.

PR RICHARD SAMPOROH, Chairman of NECF Malaysia BM Commission and General Secretary of SIB Semenanjung

"I would very much like the BM churches in the Peninsula to make the Great Commission their utmost priority. The immediate harvest field are the many thousands of East Malaysians, as well as others living here (West Malaysia) who are more comfortable using BM.

House groups of BM-speaking Christians need to be formed, for these small groups will eventually become the nucleus of a local BM church in that vicinity, reaching out to students, working adults, and families.

There is a need for a BM Bible training school in the Peninsula. This will also benefit the Orang Asli Christians and ensure the continuity of the BM ministry. With the expansion of the BM ministry in the Peninsula, I wish to see the BM churches become self-supporting, or at least actively moving towards this objective. They will then move on to be self-governing and self-strategising in her mission."

DR TEOH SOONG KEE, Commission Member and Chairman of the West Malaysian Anglican Diocese Committee on BM

"I grew up in a non-BM speaking environment and during my schooldays, I studied the language for just three hours a week. After school I did my medical education in Bombay. However I realised the importance of BM to fulfill the increasing needs of the Christian community.

In the last 30 years, all our children have been educated in BM for at least nine to 11 years and most of them have become more fluent in the language than in other languages. In the next 10 to 20 years, I expect the majority of Christians will be more conversant with BM in their daily activities and they should not find the church an alien place where BM is hardly used.

In Peninsular Malaysia, BM is the mother tongue of 55 percent of the population. Although there are stringent legal and social restrictions now, I believe there will come a time when God will break down the barriers. Will the Church be ready then to spread the Berita Baik (Good News) to those who speak BM?

Also, the greater use of BM will help to dispel the impression that Christianity is a Western religion and get it more readily acceptable to the local people.

The experience of churches which introduced BM has been great. Our BM ministry in St Peter's, Ipoh, has led to five new churches and about 300 baptisms in just five years."

PR HARUN SIDIN, Commission Member and Pastor of Kebaktian Bahasa Malaysia, Gereja Agape Presbyterian Kluang

"My vision is to have as many BM churches planted in the Peninsula as possible. I also wish for a training centre to be established to raise up more BM evangelists and pastors."

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