Berita NECF Newletters

The Woman God Uses

Can God use women? The answer from the half-day seminar themed “The Woman God Uses”, organized by the NECF Women’s Commission on July 14, 2007, was a resounding “Yes!” The seminar was held at S. S. Gospel Centre and attended by 130 women from 40 churches.

During the seminar, renowned Bible teacher Margaret Jacobs who is also Chairperson of the Women’s Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), outlined four characteristics of women whom God could use to transform the community and world.

She began with “Women of Faith”. We live in a world of increasing population pressure, cross-border movements and cultural mixes, a world of complex technological and medical advances, a world in a perpetual state of flux and merger. All these pose a severe challenge to morality and the traditional way of life. Yet, Jesus has declared: “I have overcome the world.” (Jn. 16:33) We too, are to overcome
the world (1 John 5:4). But in order to do this, Margaret said, women need to exercise authoritative faith in the redemptive work of Calvary. Faith is an action word, not a “couch potato”. Only by exercising authoritative faith can we begin to see miracles of transformation.

Since faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17), women must be “Women of the Word”, the second characteristic of an agent of transformation. Women are urged to diligently study the Word and read it in the presence of the Author. God is raising up women today like Hulda in the Old Testament to speak His Word with such authority that it pierces the hearts of the unrighteous and brings healing to the hurting. We have no power to declare the “Thus says the Lord…” and to give a word in season unless we know the Word of God.

The third key is “Women of Prayer”. The role of women as intercessors cannot be underestimated. But before they can bear the burdens of people they pray for, there must be repentance in the areas of their lives that may displease God.

Finally, “Woman with a Message”. There is a renewed call today from the Lord of the Harvest to proclaim the message of hope. Margaret dealt with the following: Who is to proclaim the message? What is the message? How is it to be delivered? What is the time frame to deliver the message? Can a result be expected?

The seminar truly impacted the listeners if the response to the altar call was anything to go by. It was a beautiful scene, women praying for and ministering to women. Many more prayed quietly in their seats that God would use them as agents of transformation in the respective spheres where He has placed them.

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