Berita NECF Newletters

Before you cast your VOTE

Description: Tips for thought for the coming general election


JUST before the 1989 general election, Christian Federation Malaysia issued a lengthy letter to Christians to remind them of their responsibility to vote. The wise counsel given in the letter remain relevant today, and with election scheduled round the corner, we thought it fitting to re-print parts of it to reiterate the call to Christians to exercise their responsibility to vote wisely.

Emotions are running high these days, and while we cannot be divorced from our emotions that are influenced by the current situation and issues, it would be wise to balance emotion with discrimination and wisdom.

Dear Christian,
First of all, we want to assure you that this letter has not been written to dictate or influence you to favour any particular party or candidate. The Christian Federation of Malaysia is firmly committed to staying out of partisan politics. YOUR CHOICE OF A CANDIDATE AND YOUR DECISION TO SUPPORT ANY PARTY MUST BE YOURS ALONE. The purpose of this letter is just to consider with you, from a Christian viewpoint, some of the issues that are likely to be raised during the campaign leading up to the election.

The least we can do to ensure that the ‘authority’ we are to serve and pray for is a good government, is to help vote such a one into power. We owe it to ourselves and our fellow citizens to go to the polls. However, it is not enough to merely cast our votes; we have to do so with discrimination.

In a democracy, it is the people who rule through their elected representatives who, in turn, are generally members of political parties. At election time, these parties issue manifetos in which they declare how they will run the country if they are elected to form the government.

As electors, we will need to examine carefully the manifestos of these parties as well as their ‘track record’ before deciding how we should vote. As we know, the party that, in the estimation of the electorate, is able to ‘deliver the goods’ will get to form the government. However, candidates representing small parties or even standing as independents may merit consideration if they are of outstanding ability, integrity and courage.

They could form part of an effective opposition. An important point that must be borne in mind is that our decision to support a particular party must be based on its policies and programme viewed as a whole rather than its stand on a single issue (unless we are so convinced that its importance outweighs every other consideration!).

In order to appreciate in any depth the conditions under which human beings should live a full and meaningful life in civilised society, we need to know something about their nature and general make-up.

The Biblical view of the human race is a ‘high’ one. The first man and woman were made in the ‘image’ of God; they were invested with dignity and authority by Him. He delegated to them the task of ruling the world. A careful reading of Gen. 1 & 2 will show that humans are physical, spiritual, rational, moral aesthetic, social and sexual beings. All these characteristics go to make up their humanness.

Therefore, in any organised society, the conditioins to live and express themselves as free human beings must be guaranteed.

We, as Christians, who believe in the ‘high’ destiny of the human race must be particularly sensitive to attempts, however well meaning, from any quarter to exploit or manipulate people or deny or curtail their freedom to function humanly.

It is therefore the duty of every sincere Christian to vote wisely in the hope that the government elected will, among other things, secure and safeguard the human rights of all its citizens as well as ensure conditions conducive for them to live contentedly and responsibly.

The following are some pertinent questions that should be put to the contesting parties and candidates.

  1. What programme does the party have for ensuring the physical well-being of all citizens, particularly with regard to eradicating poverty, providing employment opportunities and housing facilities and ensuring fair prices for essential commodities?
  2. Does it have a sound and effective programme for the intellectual development of the younger generation? Is there provision for equal opportunities for all to attain the highest level of instruction/training for which they are capable?
  3. Will it guarantee to uphold the Constitution and refrain from amending it without first obtaining a direct mandate from the electorate (either by making the amendments an election issue or the subject of a national referendum)?
  4. Is it committed to establishing an honest government by providing stringent measures to stamp out all forms of corruption and mal-administration?
    Will it ensure that the independence and integrity of the judiciary is upheld?
  5. What is its stand on the freedom of association of people? What is its past record and/or future commitment to upholding this important right of citizens to relate to one another socially, politically, professionally and religiously without undue inteference or control by the authorities?
  6. What does it have to say about the right of access to information through the free dissemination of news? Does it guarantee the freedom of the news media? Is it prepared to amend any sections of the printing and press laws that are repressive? (As intellectual and rational beings, it is vital that people have all the available facts in order to make decision on issues that are of concern to them.)

We reiterate tthat the sole purpose of this letter is to help Christians view some of the issues that are relevant for a good, clean and efficient government from a Biblical perspective. God, through His Word, has made direct pronouncements or implied certain courses of action in regard to some of them.
As citizens of a free democratic country, your vote is your own to dispose of as you please. As Christians, you are only stewards of that vote. You owe it to God, your neighbour and yourselves as faithful stewards to cast your vote responsibly to ensure good government so that the nation may enjoy freedom, peace, stability and prosperity under God.

May your conscience, directed by God’s Word, enable you to make a wise decision. God bless you.



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