Press Statements & Articles

Donation to the surviving victims of the natural catastrophes in Japan

The Pastor/Elder/Leader
NECF Member Churches/Organisations

Dear Pastor/Elders/Leaders

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On behalf of the Evangelical Christians of Malaysia, NECF has sent letters to both the Japanese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur and the Evangelical Alliance of Japan, conveying our heartfelt regret for the recent disasters and prayers for the survivors of the earthquake and Miyagi tsunami.

The concern now is for the survivors of the earthquake and tsunami to be given due care and attention so they may recover and rebuild their lives amidst all that was lost. We are also equally concerned for the catastrophe at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant where a third reactor exploded with a fourth catching fire. Radiation leaks have been confirmed and the radiation level has been reported to be high enough that it may be hazardous to health.

In times such as these, NECF calls upon churches in Malaysia to pray and intercede for the nation of Japan and her people with the ongoing catastrophe and for the surviving victims of the disaster. Although Christians in Japan represent less than half percent of the population, but in such crises, the Church of Malaysia can demonstrate the love of Jesus to all especially to the children who may be affected badly by the trauma.

With this in mind, NECF welcomes any donations from the churches in Malaysia that may wish to identify with the victims and to support this cause for the well being of the people and nation of Japan. Please make your cheques payable to NECF Malaysia and designate it for "Miyagi Tsunami victims"

We hope you will respond positively to this request. May God's grace be upon Japan.


God bless you
Sam Ang

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