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Window of opportunity for school CFs and SPM Bible Knowledge classes

Window of opportunity for school CFs and SPM Bible Knowledge classes

IT is now easier to set up Christian Fellowships (CFs) in schools and hold SPM Bible Knowledge (BK) classes on school premises, but are churches and Christian parents and teachers grabbing this opportunity?

The Teachers' Christian Fellowship (TCF) Malaysia and Scripture Union (SU) have highlighted to NECF Malaysia two positive developments by the Education Ministry last year which present a window of opportunity for churches and congregation members to act quickly and concertedly to start CFs and BK classes in government schools.


Christian Fellowships (CFs)

A ministry circular dated 18 March 2011 rescinds an earlier one in 2000 that blocked the formation of new religious clubs in schools. Now, any public school with at least 15 children of a non-Muslim religion may form a religious club or society, subject to approval by the school head and in accordance with stipulated guidelines.

Despite this, only two new CFs were successfully set up. NECF supports TCF's urgent call to all churches, Christian teachers and parents to pro-actively:

  • Recruit at least 15 Christian students from Forms 1 to 4.
  • Identify two to three students who can be leaders, at least one Christian teacher to be a CF advisor, and several parents who are supportive.
  • Initiate prayer.
  • Engage a church/home near the school as a temporary venue and start meetings.
  • Prepare the CF's Constitution.

Models of a constitution and letters that need to be written to the school authorities are available from both Scripture Union (03- 7782 9592, email: and TCF (03-5637 5623, email: ). Visit their websites. Preparations need to start now for new CFs to commence in schools in the new 2013 school year.


SPM Bible Knowledge (BK)

The second circular dated 27 April 2011 allows Bible Knowledge, a SPM subject, to be taught on school premises after normal schooling hours. Previously, classes had to be taught outside the school. The approval now is subject to conditions such as the agreement of the school's parent-teacher association, written parental permission for students (except Muslims who are not to attend the class), the classes must not incur financial support of the government, no class materials may be left behind in the classroom, and teachers cannot teach beyond the scope of the SPM BK syllabus.

There are roughly 100 SPM BK classes in nine states. About 25 government secondary schools have BK classes. The rest are in churches and a few private schools. Where there are students with a reasonable standard of written English, we urge you to exhort the parents of secondary school students in your congregation, as well as the students themselves, to take up SPM BK as an examination subject.

Contact Kua Kun Han at 016-390 9495, email: for information on how to connect with BK teachers, training materials and other start-up guidance. Preparations need to start now with parents of Form 3 students looking for a BK teacher or volunteering to teach a class next year.

A training seminar for BK teachers, volunteers, parents, pastors and SPM students will be held on 11 August 2012. More information is here. Please register using this form and email it to the address therein.

The number of candidates for Bible Knowledge must be maintained and even increased to keep the subject in the SPM syllabus. The planting and growth of CFs in schools are vital to discipling students including those who are unable to attend church. NECF urges you and your congregation to take up this call to action.

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