Press Statements & Articles

A Call for 21.21.21. Time of Prayer and Fasting for the Church and our Beloved Nation

19 April 2018
Dear Pastor, Elder and Church Leader

We are exactly two days to the start of our 21.21.21 call to pray for the church and nation in conjunction with our 14th General Election. As mentioned in our earlier communication on 11 April, we will also be sending out daily devotionals throughout the 21 days of prayer. These daily devotionals can be accessed through our Facebook pages below. They will be available in English, Chinese and Bahasa.

1. NECF Malaysia
2. NECF Malaysia 40-Day Fast & Prayer

Kindly relay this information to your members for their participation. Let us unite our hearts in humility and prayer as our nation approach this key moment of electing the next government into office.

God bless you.
Rev Andy Chi
Assistant Secretary-General
19 April 2018
Shalom Rev, Pastor, Penatua & Pemimpin Gereja

Tinggal dua hari lagi untuk kita memulakan Seruan 21.21.21 berdoa untuk gereja dan negara sempena dengan Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14. Sebagaimana dimaklumkan dalam komunikasi kami terdahulu pada 11 April, kami juga akan menghantar renungan harian sepanjang doa 21 hari. Renungan harian ini boleh diakses menerusi halaman Facebook kami di bawah. Kami akan sediakan dalam Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Cina dan Bahasa Melayu.

1.NECF Malaysia
2.NECF Malaysia 40 Hari Doa & Puasa

Mohon sampaikan maklumat ini kepada anggota anda yang terlibat. Marilah kita menyatukan hati kita dengan kerendahan hati dan berdoa ketika bangsa kita menghampiri saat untuk memilih pemerintahan yang akan datang.

Tuhan memberkati.
Yang ikhlas
Rev Andy Chi
Penolong Setiausaha Agung

2018 年 4 月 19 日
敬爱的牧长&领袖 :

为了配合第14届大选的到来,两天后我们就要开始21.21.21呼吁, 为教会和国守望祷告。 我们在4 月 11 日所发的信件中, 提及将在21 天的代祷旅程中,我们将会发出每日灵修资料。 这些资料共有三种语文( 英文,中文和马来文),可在从我们的面子书及网站获得。


请将此信息传达给贵教会的会员,并鼓励他们参与。 这是关键的时刻, 让我们谦卑的同心为选出下一届的新政府代求。





Dear Pastor, Elder and Church Leader

Scripture: Daniel 10:1-21
The Prime Minister has announced the dissolution of the Parliament on 7th April, 2018 to pave the way for GE14 to take place.
The Election Commission has set 9th May, 2018 as our election date.
Regardless of our “preferred outcome” for the election, we, as responsible citizens of the nation, should always be found praying for the well-being and destiny of our nation as mandated by the Holy Scriptures.
God’s servant Daniel was a model, who prayed for the land and served the nation whilst being exiled. On receiving a disconcerting vision, he set himself to mourn for three weeks, ate no choice food, no meat nor allowed wine to touch his lips and used no lotions (Daniel 10:2-3). His objective was to seek understanding of the vision and the times and its duration.
Daniel earnestly sought God for 21 days in prayer and fasting. In response, God heard his prayers, revealed His plans and strengthened him (Daniel 10:12).
NECF remains non-partisan, and this is not a call for a change of government, but a call to all our members to humbly seek God so that He will hear our prayers and His sovereign will be done in our nation and that all Malaysians will be blessed by God.
Our sincere desire is to see good men and women, from both sides of the divide elected into Parliament and into the State legislatures.
Like Daniel, we want to “set our heart to understand, and to humble ourselves before God” (Daniel 10:12).
This season to seek understanding of the times, is also a season for the Church to repent.
So much of what has been expounded in Revelation with regards to the “seven lampstands” are prevalent in our modern-day Church. Unless the Church is willing to put Him first, serve Him unreservedly, honor His Word, acknowledge we are all on a pilgrimage, and once again make His House a House of Prayer, we will not doubt like our forefathers “drink from the river and die in the wilderness.” (1 Cor 10:1-6; Psalms 78:16)
God will not use an unrepentant, prideful Church to be an agent of change in the nation. Today, both the Church and the nation need prayer.
With effect from 21st April, 2018, we will start our 21-Day of Prayer and Fasting,
As part of the preparation, let us do the following:
1. Clear your calendar to set aside this period of time to pray a minimum of 21 minutes at 2100 hour (9.00pm) for 21 days, every day.
2. For the next 21 days, get your family involved or organize a small group of like-minded believers to pray together (create social media eg. Whats App group to remind and encourage one another).
3. Decide on the type of fast you and your group will be doing. eg no meat; no dinner; no media; etc…and continually encourage each other.
4. And pray for the following:
A. Before the Election: 21st  April to 8th May (Day 1-18)

1. The Church to humble herself before the Lord (1 Peter 5:6)
2. The Church to seek the Lord (2 Chronicles 7:14)
1. The eyes of the Nation to be enlightened (Ephesians 1:17-18)
2. The Nation to hope in God (Isaiah 45:22)

 B. During the Election: 9th May (Day 19)
1. The Church will arise and shine (Isaiah 60:1)
2. The Church to sow in righteousness (Hosea 10:12)
1. The Fear of God to overshadow their hearts (Proverbs 9:10)
2. The Lord to direct their path (Proverbs 16:9)

C. After the Election: 10th & 11th May (Day 20-21)
1. The Church to be ceaseless in prayer (Isaiah 62:6-7)
2. The Church as the House of Prayer to be restored (Mark 11:17)
1. The rulers will govern with justice and righteousness (Proverbs 14:34)
2. The land will be blessed with peace (Leviticus 26:6)

Let us humbly submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we take this 21-Day journey.
Daily devotionals will be sent out to help us in our prayer time.
May God bless you as you seek to be a blessing to the Church and our beloved nation.


Rev Andy Chi
Assistant Secretary-General


21.21.21. in Bahasa


21.21.21. in Chinese

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