New Year Message from NECF
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
On behalf of the NECF Council and Staff, I bring you New Year's Greetings for 2021.
The year 2020, has been a year of much change, lament, anguish and disillusionment. The world came to a standstill that was so unsettling for billions.
2020 indeed became the year when the Church "stayed home." Besides unprecedented unemployment, a new generation of youth will find their opportunities diminished.
The end to the pandemic is nowhere in sight, with many yearning for prophetic insight whether 2021 would be a better year?
Needless to say, year 2021 will be another year of uncertainties and adjustments. The new norm is not yet set in concrete but I pray that all these will propel the Church to be more diligent in His House of prayer - to repent, to intercede for the government and rulers, and to pray that the virgins will arise with oil in their lamps (Matt.25).
We need to reset and recalibrate our way of life. May the 2020 anomalous experiences drive us to realign our goals with kingdom values in the coming season.
Both the nation and the Church are being pushed into the new era of digital transformation. The Body must be mindful that to be on the cutting edge, there must be high content and high touch. Time is of the essence as we balance digital innovation, vision and strategy without compromising spirituality.
Indeed, like the Israelites who crossed the River Jordan, “... you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.” Joshua 3:4
Let us rest in Him and look to the Almighty for wisdom, continued favour and strength as we enter the year 2021 with the conviction that with Him, we will "know which way to go" and that nothing can separate us from the love of God.
Stay alert and Keep safe
Pr Samuel Ang
NECF Secretary-General
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