Prayer Alert (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Prayer Alert - Oct 2009

Description: Physical & Spiritual Tsunami For Spiritual AWAKENING!

Prayer Vision for Malaysia

Pray that there will be an active "Prayer Cell" in:

  • various villages or communities throughout this nation.
  • all realms of influences - education, business, arts, IT, media, communications, government. That prayer groups springing forth will unite all believers to pray unceasingly and to reach out to the lost.

Pray that all prayer groups will be strong in evangelism and discipleship. Uphold your church and the state you are from.

Pray for revival and positive changes in our society.

Prayer Alert

October 2009

Physical & Spiritual Tsunami For Spiritual AWAKENING!

Over the past few months, many prayer initiatives have taken place. Thousands have prayed and interceded daily to God for mercy and revival in the church, and for the expansion of God's kingdom.

Now we just ended last month with much earth-shaking news in the nations and let us gird ourselves up and partner with someone and spend time daily/weekly to pray for the typhoon and earthquake victims in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Samoa and Indonesia. Pray for:

  • Swift action to be taken by government authorities to send aid to all affected areas without hindrance.
  • Resources and help to pour into these nations. Pray for Christians to be mobilized through CREST and other relief agencies to provide aid.
  • Churches in these nations to rise up in united effort to bring relief so that the Church will be His transforming agent.
  • Thousands to be led into His kingdom through these shakings.
  • The Malaysian as well as the global church to be prepared for what is to come in the days ahead. Pray for a spiritual tsunami to wake up the Church so that she becomes His powerful agent of transformation and a voice to the nations.

Oct 10 Run Nat – National Prayer Run

On Oct 10, more than 1,500 in 14 states have signed-up for this Prayer Run. This is not an event but a prophetic run that has implications in the spiritual realm, preparing the way of the Lord. Pray that God's order will be aligned in the lives of the runners, for their generation and in our nation. Let us join this young generation in birthing forth His purposes. May there be an inter-generational partnership and unity that will draw forth His blessings upon our nation.

Pray for:

  • Love for our nation will be birth in their hearts as they run. Pray that every runner will be empowered to pray as the Spirit of God leads.
  • Their eyes of understanding to be enlightened to His hope and calling. That faith, hope and purpose be restored in this young generation.
  • They will hear and obey the Word of the Lord for themselves and will answer the call of God in their lives.
  • Protection, good health and fine weather on Oct 10.

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