Calendar of Events

Event Title: 40 Days Fast and Prayer
07-Aug-2024 to 15-Sep-2024 Past Event
Theme: Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken - Hebrew 12:26-29

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The 40-Days Fast & Prayer 2024 booklet is available for Download:

(appox. 140MB pdf for children version - please allow time for download)

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Dear Pastors and Church Leaders,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This will be our 24th year event for our 40-Day Fast & Prayer with the theme “Kingdom that Cannot be Shaken” (Heb. 12:26-29). Thank you for your faithful support for all the years that has gone by.

The choice for the theme is because the kingdoms of this world and their economies have been shaken, well beyond their control. There have been so many unrest incidents that there is no place on this earth that they can experience any peace.

As Christians we too are not spared from such calamities, but we have the assured hope from God that He is in sovereign control as we look forward to the unshakeable Kingdom of God which was inaugurated at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ which will remain until he returns to consummate all things (Heb.9:28)

To encourage people to pray corporately and intelligently, we have made available both hardcopy and e-copy for you to meditate upon the content guide. The e-copy will be in digital format, accessible through our NECF App and the social platforms like NECF Website, Facebook pages and Youtube channel.

Those who still cherish hard copy booklets, please use the order forms attached with a minimum order of 5 copies for postal order. It will only be available on a first-come-first basis.

Kindly place your order by clicking the link below. Download the form and send your request to us through email ([email protected]).


God bless you.

Pr Sam Ang
Secretary-General of NECF


The 40-Days Fast & Prayer 2024 booklet is available for ORDER: 









40-Days Fast & Prayer Previous year
