NECF Foundation


Download Group Multiple Benefits Insurance Scheme brochure English | Bahasa Malaysia
For further information please send email to [email protected].



Our Vision

Our vision is that all full-time servants of God have their physical needs sufficiently taken care of. We believe that "those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel" (1 Cor 9:14). more...

The Needs

The pastor, missionary or full time worker may have urgent needs, but lack financial support. A recent NECF Malaysia Survey indicates that... more

What We Do

Over the past five years, NECF Foundation has been quietly helping many pastors and full-time workers by providing material assistance... more

      for the Future

Your Role

Your contribution to and partnership with the Foundation is crucial to meet the needs of the servants of God. more....

Your Response

Click here to show that you care!


For more details, contact NECF Foundation:
Tel: 603-7727 8227
Fax: 603-7729 1139
Email: [email protected]